Saturday 28 December 2013


On 2 April 1939, Bordurian forces crossed the eastern borders of Syldavia, following the ZZRK activities in Syldavia in March. The initial invasion met only a nominal defence organised by Polishov’s regional Governor. The initial Bordurian attack focused on the region’s Home Guard barracks and the early morning hours engagement between the Bordurian troops and the Polishov Home Guard was brief and sporadic with the last holdouts surrendering at noon in the regional capital.  Word of the invasion first reached the capital via amateur radio.

Recapture of Kragenidin

The first Syldavian Army forces available for the counterattack, consisted of the 1st and 2nd Mountain Rifle Brigades, under the command of General Prosdj, both of which were partially motorized.  These were rushed to the region.

The first offensive action by Syldavian troops took place on 12 April.  Unfortunately, there was mass confusion in the fog and operations were halted after elements of the 1st MR brigade got lost. On 14 April, the Syldavian forces regrouped and resumed offensive actions.

With the fog now lifting and the Bordurian forces in Kragenidin still unaware of the presence of enemy forces nearby, Major Schzlozitch decided to make a direct assault that day. After a short forced march by the Syldavian troops, the Bordurian garrison was caught by surprise and surrendered with minimal resistance. The message sent from the force to the capital was:

"Pleased to inform His Majesty that the Black Pelican flies in Kragenidin once more. God Save the King."

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